
icons/world1.png 6 Guideposts For the Perplexed.html 6 Guideposts For the Perplexed
icons/world1.png Action of God.html The Action of God
icons/dir.png Directory: AdventPrayer2021
icons/world1.png Art.html Is It Art?
icons/world1.png Bird Songs.html Bird Songs
icons/world1.png BirthdayParty.html Birthday Party 2020
icons/world1.png Blown Leaves.html Blown Leaves
icons/world1.png Books.html Books
icons/world1.png CampGuide.html Camp Guide
icons/world1.png CampProposal.html Camp Proposal
icons/world1.png CampRandall.html Camp Randall
icons/dir.png Directory: CatTales
icons/world1.png Christmas2023.html Christmas 2023
icons/world1.png EasterEve1997.html Easter Eve 1997
icons/world1.png EasterEve2008.html Easter Eve
icons/world1.png EasterEve2009.html Easter Eve 2009
icons/world1.png Ensign_text.html Pivot Rock Ensign
icons/world1.png February.html February
icons/world1.png GreatLitany.html Great Litany
icons/text.png Text: HumanPurpose.txt:
Man was meant to rise with the sun,
to return home with the dusk, to stay
by the fire when it is cold and in
the shade when it is hot, and to
enjoy the stars.
(probably 1976)
December 8, 1980
(March 17, 2007)
icons/world1.png I am the man.html I am the man
icons/world1.png If Not This Year.html If Not This Year
icons/world1.png LastSupperLiturgy.html The Supper of the Lord
icons/world1.png Litany to the Deer.html Litany to the Deer
icons/world1.png Moon Friend.html Moon Friend
icons/world1.png Mrs Edna Harvey.html Mrs Edna Harvey
icons/world1.png PainScale.html Pain Scale
icons/world1.png PassoverMealLiturgy.html The Watch Night of the Lord
icons/text.png Text: PerfectArt.txt:
When an artist has completed his work,
he desires that nothing be added
and nothing be taken away.
For he knows that his work is _perfect_ --
that is, "thoroughly completed",
so that any change,
however small,
will not improve this work
but will either diminish it
or make it over into another.
May 6, 1981
(March 17, 2007)
icons/world1.png Rajib the carpenter.html Rajib the Carpenter
icons/world1.png ReCreation.html ReCreation
icons/world1.png Rosebush.html The Rosebush
icons/world1.png Silly things.html Silly Things
icons/world1.png Soil Chorus.html The Soil's Chorus
icons/dir.png Directory: Summer Dream
icons/world1.png Taking_a_Drive.html Taking a Drive
icons/world1.png The Church In Its Fullness.html All Creation Coming Together
icons/world1.png The Muttle.html The Muttle
icons/world1.png The Stone.html The Stone
icons/world1.png ThePoet6.html Author as Authority
icons/world1.png This Is The Night.html Easter Eve
icons/world1.png ThreeStoryTreasureChest.html 3 story
icons/text.png Text: WhatWind.txt:
What wind is this so sweet and warm
blows in our face today?
The breath from Jesus' mouth has come
and blows our fears away.
What lively breath is this we see
the crucified now breathe?
It is the Spirit of our God
which we in faith receive.
What fish are roasting on the fire
kindled along the shore?
They are the fish of Christ our Lord
who asks that we bring more.
What life is this our loving God
invites us all to share?
It is the life of Christ in which
we live and love and dare.
CM (
April 2006
icons/world1.png Willy Ericsson.html Willy Ericsson
icons/text.png Text: answers.txt:
Sometimes at night I talk to God
And he smiles and nods to me enough
so that I know he hears me, even if
he doesn't wish to answer
exactly what I'm asking.
April 10, 1978
(January, 2007)
icons/dir.png Directory: didactica
icons/dir.png Directory: imagines
icons/world1.png mts506 5theses.html 5 Theses
icons/text.png Text: prayerody.txt:
A Prayerody
Dear God, friend of our hearts,
BFF unless at some point you disagree with us,
We have eaten of that fruit which grew on the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, so we
know what is right and what is wrong.
Now show that you are the Creator of that Tree
by coming and standing by us, by following our
lead in the battle against all who ignore our
understanding of propriety or who in their
ignorance find us ludicrous.
Help us by your power to utterly defeat their
wrongheadedness; help them to see in our light
and to understand according to our wisdom and
so to usher in your kingdom of harmony and
We pray humbly in the name of One who never said

≫ More prayerody.txt
icons/dir.png Directory: sermones
