De Apologetico Tertulliani Hodie
Computer Programming
Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle Solution
Christian Teaching
Directory: CrossingTheRiverGame
Text: DefiniteIntegral.txt:
- The revision to chapter of the calculus text "Calculus With Analytic
- Geometry: A First Course" by Murray H. Protter and Charles B. Morrey,
- Jr. [Addison-Wesley, 1963] was written in the 1969-1970 school year.
- I couldn't understand the original text; rewriting the material was
- my method for learning it. (Later on I learned to spell theorem and
- argument.)
- Scanned from a copy of the typescript on December 26, 2018.
Directory: GalileanVillageGame
Text: Human Dignity in Real Life.txt:
- Maintaining Human Dignity in Real Life Situations
- -------------------------------------------------
- A home invasion; an 8-year-old kid manages to sleep through it.
- A teenaged criminal enters a home and commits several crimes,
- not least of which is shooting and injuring the father. The
- young son is asleep and doesn't wake up until the criminal is
- gone and the emergency services have been summoned. But later,
- when the chaos is under control, the police are working the
- crime scene. They are questioning everyone who was present, so
- they want to know what, if anything, the 8-year-old heard.
- Based on what you can imagine plus anything you've
- seen in police shows and crime movies, how can the
- detective in charge of the case preserve the human
≫ More Human Dignity in Real Life.txt
Directory: InscribedAngles
Open Communion
Programming Concepts.html
Programming Languages
Reading Aloud
Directory: ReflectionAroundALine
Directory: SchoolMathematics
Directory: SpaceStructures
Directory: StPaulsUMC2021
Image: Unity_of_Brethern_Founding.png
Directory: WSMC2024
Text: prosody.txt:
- A way to introduce prosody
- March 22, 2018
- This afternoon I was imagining ways to teach younger people some of
- the elements of prosody (which is the correctly ridiculous word for
- analytical poetics).
- "Write a sentence with exactly 8 syllables. No, make that 2 or 3
- sentences."
- "Write 2 or 3 sentences with exactly 6 syllables."
- "Pick one sentence of each length group. Change round your sentences
- to sound with alternated stress [iambic]. Or reverse it if you wish
- to [trochaic]."
- "Now modify just one more time so that the sentences will rhyme."
- (It's not so hard with 30 years of practicing to use your ears.)
- To fill up the rest of the hour, we'll experiment with caesurae and
- dactylic feet. Next week: Some of the poetic techniques of ancient
≫ More prosody.txt