Image: Scan_024.jpg
Image: Scan_024_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_024_thumb.jpg
Image: Scan_025.jpg
Image: Scan_025_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_025_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_025_text.txt:
- [This appears to be a photo of Alton Cardinal, Mrs. Kluchesky, and
- Elmer Kluchesky taken on June 18, 1939.]
- [This photo is not in the photo album. Identification was made by
- comparison with a similar photo of Vince Miller and the Klucheskys
- for which no negative was found.]
Image: Scan_026.jpg
Image: Scan_026_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_026_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_026_text.txt:
- First Baseman
- Heil Bollinger
- Methodist Student Conference
- Ledges State Park [Iowa]
- May 20, 1939
Image: Scan_027.jpg
Image: Scan_027_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_027_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_027_text.txt:
- Steak Fry
- Methodist Student Conference
- Ledges State Park, Iowa
- Mary 20, 1939
Image: Scan_028.jpg
Image: Scan_028_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_028_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_028_text.txt:
- Ernie Wenberg
- Ledges State Park, Iowa
- May 20, 1939
Image: Scan_029.jpg
Image: Scan_029_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_029_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_029_text.txt:
- First Baseman
- Heil Bollinger
- Methodist Student Conference
- Ledges State Park [Iowa]
- May 20, 1939
Image: Scan_030.jpg
Image: Scan_030_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_030_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_030_text.txt:
- Paul Thomasgard
- Ledges State Park, Iowa
- May 20, 1939
Image: Scan_031.jpg
Image: Scan_031_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_031_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_031_text.txt:
- Marjorie Houck - Student Advisor
- Wesley Foundation, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
- Helen Plank - Student Advisor
- Wesley Foundation, Madison, Wis.
- Methodist Student Conference
- Ledges State Park, Ames, Iowa.
- May 20, 1939
Image: Scan_032.jpg
Image: Scan_032_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_032_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_032_text.txt:
- Frog Hunting
- John Fish, Sophia Nicolazzo
- Kay Riddle (hidden), Wes Schroeder
- U.W. Arboretum, Madison, Wis.
- April 23, 1939
Image: Scan_033.jpg
Image: Scan_033_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_033_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_033_text.txt:
- Ball Game
- Ledges State Park, Iowa
- May 20, 1939
Image: Scan_034.jpg
Image: Scan_034_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_034_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_034_text.txt:
- Ball Game
- Maurice White - pitcher
- Wisconsin
- Rev. Briggs - umpire
- Boone, Iowa
- May 20, 1939
Image: Scan_035.jpg
Image: Scan_035_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_035_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_035_text.txt:
- Kay Riddle, John Fish, Chuck Corrie,
- Tom Sell
- at U.W. Arboretum, Madison
- April 23, 1939
Image: Scan_036.jpg
Image: Scan_036_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_036_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_036_text.txt:
- The Frog
- (and Wes)
- U.W. Arboretum
- April 23, 1939
Image: Scan_037.jpg
Image: Scan_037_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_037_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_037_text.txt:
- Opal Hamilton )
- Genivieve Sell ) Madison
- Margaret Sturtevant )
- Ledge State Park, Iowa.
- May 20, 1939
Image: Scan_038.jpg
Image: Scan_038_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_038_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_038_text.txt:
- Gene Ransom
- Jack Bylow
- Marjorie Nelsn
- Lauderdale Lake
- April 30, 1939
Image: Scan_039.jpg
Image: Scan_039_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_039_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_039_text.txt:
- Deputation Team
- Betty Taylor, Mildreth Lauderdale
- Wayland Watter, Marjorie Nelson
- Jack Bylow
- Lauderdale Lake
- April 30, 1939
Image: Scan_040.jpg
Image: Scan_040_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_040_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_040_text.txt:
- Bug Hunters
- Chuck Corries, Kay Riddle, John Fish
- U.W. Arboretum, Madison, Wis.
- April 23, 1939
Image: Scan_041.jpg
Image: Scan_041_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_041_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_041_text.txt:
- [Alton Cardinal, apparently at southeast corner of house
- at 132 South Oneida Street, Green Bay, Wis.]
- [Negative included with photos from second quarter of 1939.
- Print not in photo albumn.]
Image: Scan_042.jpg
Image: Scan_042_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_042_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_042_text.txt:
- [Alton Cardinal, apparently at southeast corner of house
- at 132 South Oneida Street, Green Bay, Wis.]
- [Negative included with photos from second quarter of 1939.
- Print not in photo albumn.]
Image: Scan_043.jpg
Image: Scan_043_palm.jpg
Image: Scan_043_thumb.jpg
Text: Scan_043_text.txt:
- Jack Bylow (under water)
- Wayland Watters, Mildreth
- Lauderdale, Marjorie Nelson
- Gene Ransom
- Deputation team from Wesley
- at Lauderdale Lake
- April 30, 1939