Being human, I am also a bit of a packrat. When I was living at the old house I could have shown you the stashes of pointless material goods which attested to the truth of this claim. I did not know what was in each of those stashes; now I do not even know whether any of the various unnecessary collections are still around.
One slowly expanding collection is still with me, however. This one, except from an objective and independent point of view, is properly classified as essential.
I am referring, of course, to my extensive collection of metaphorical soapboxes upon which I stand and from which I will declaim the foundational truths, half-truths, and delusions upon which I base my life and identity.
My friends, colleagues, readers, and fellow players of the Actual Reality Game are familiar with many of these soapboxes. There is the one pertaining to the irredeemable flaw of the C programming language, another about the purpose of teaching calculus, one (at least) about the pervasiveness of magical thinking, another about the limited value of physical connections to people and events of the past.
Yes, and so many more. All packed away for future use, not so much organized as merely accessible so that 1 or 2 or more are always at hand for me to clamber up.
Now I need a collection of willing listeners.