7/6/2022 20:17

Har du bremasaurus

I was riding my bicycle back from the Ashwaubenon chapel this evening and passed a house with a second story balcony. On the balcony a man. I did not see him but I easily heard him talking. You already know what I heard him say:

"Har du bremasaurus."

To be honest I am a little uncertain of that first word. It could just as easily be "Kar".

You probably doubt my perception. Perhaps you think Miers are going. Not true! A false and blasphemous lie! Nothing is wrong with Miers. It is the interpretive faculty which is not up to the task.

Most of us hear very little with our ears alone. A series of sounds in the ears are assigned to a set of distinct phonemes which we expect based on our knowledge of the language and then assembled into words and then larger gramatical constructs. Most of this work occurs between rather than within the ears.

If you assume this man on the baloney was peaking in Glish than only a select set of phonemes are allowed in his speech and "Har du bremasaurus" must be reparsed to represent only sounds from that set. For example, the first part might really have been "hard up" (as in pecuniary) or "hard of" (as in hearing) but neither of those alternatives is much help to interpret the remaining "remasaurus".

Tremaines a puzzle.
