1/31/2011 12:30


We are led astray when we consider the teachings of Jesus to be some sort of a "how-to" book on the religious life. We are facing the wrong direction entirely when we discuss the beatitudes as if they were instructions for the personal spiritual life.

The words of Jesus are profoundly a political challenge:

Who are favored by God? Not the Roman legions. Not Herod, nor the Herodians who follow him. Not the priests who sold their office for an illusion of national sovereignity. Not the Zealots itching for bloodshed.

When God's kingdom is established on the earth, will the security experts get favored treatment? the politicians? the business leaders? the professors of theology or the leaders of the religious congregations? No!

When God's kingdom is established on the earth, who will be the ones named "Friends of the King"? Who will be the ones who will be allowed to walk into the king's presence?

Can you be confident of your future safety because you are rich now and have a lot of powerful friends? No!

Are you confident of God's favor because you are descended from Abraham? No!

I will tell you whom God favors.

God favors those who have nothing to offer. They are the citizens of God's kingdom.

God favors those who are mourning their sons and daughters, murdered by oppressors both military and economic. God will give them the ownership of the land.

God favors those who love what is right more than food. They are the ones who will eat their fill.

God favors those who are forgiving. They are the ones who will get forgiveness from God.

God favors those who are not two-faced. They are the ones who can see God eye to eye.

God favors those who work for peace instead of power. They are the ones who can claim God as Father.

God favors those who are beaten and starved and lynched. They are the citizens of God's kingdom.

And what of you? Are people insulting you and telling lies about you and doing everything they can to discredit you, just because you want to be citizens of God's kingdom? Then good for you; that's the path the prophets walked.