The Ideal Reality Game: An expansion of the Actual Reality Game, expanded to encompass improvements to the world as it is.
In my ideal reality the gutters are always clean. (Not only does this improve bicycle safety, it is also ecologically sound by reducing the nutrient loading to the streams and bay.) In actual reality homeowners push all their "yard waste" into the street in the fear that leaving it on the terrace will kill the grass (not likely) or at least turn it yellow. Killing the grass is anathema, unless it is death by motor vehicle tire in which case it is sometimes celebrated as evidence of the residents' internal illusion of power.
In my ideal reality nobody ever becomes old except of course the people who are already old, who do not become young. Some accomodation may have to be worked out for the children who are currently young. The essence of being young is incessantly discovering aspects actual reality that have existed unchanged since time immemorial. (It might be time memorial if the rest of us don't get old.) There might be some limit on how much reality a person can discover before becoming no longer young.
In my ideal reality I'd have the chance to work on holidays (like today) and to visit friends on other days when they are not too distracted to converse. In actual reality holidays mean sitting at home, waiting for some scheduled time when I will join too many people who are too little organized, and finally retreating back into my real isolation when everyone else joins the virtual reality of televised professional football.
In my ideal reality there wouldn't be any such thing as "professional" football. I don't see how there can be professional sports even in actual reality. It's just a game! The business is entertainment and illusion, not football.
In my ideal reality we would all be attuned to the true, the beautiful, the good, and the useful (shades of ancient Greek here, please notice). In actual reality we settle for the familiar and the comfortable and we complain when faced with the unfamiliar and the uncomfortable.
In my ideal reality there would be no foolish people and no foolish moments that I am embarassed to recall. In actual reality thinking about alternatives to reality is the tool we use to distinguish between the ideal to be attained and the idiotic.
A little whimsey now and then can bring us some delight and sometimes gently turn us from the wrong into the right. 1979