======================================= Smokey Needs a Bath ---------------------------- Smokey Cat was an old cat. He lived in a house with his person and Pepper Dog. One day Smokey Cat sat in the window. Smokey thought about the Old Days. Smokey Cat had adventures when he was a young cat. "I think I'll go on an adventure," thought Smokey Cat. So Smokey Cat waited by the door. He waited for his person to open the door. Smokey waited by the door for a long time. Smokey's person came to the door with Pepper Dog. "I'm going to put Pepper outside," he told Smokey Cat. "OK," said Smokey. And he smiled a cat smile. When the person opened the door, Smokey Cat ran outside. He ran down the driveway. He ran down the sidewalk. Where did Smokey go? Pepper Dog went with the person to look for Smokey. They looked in the bushes. They looked on the street. Where was Smokey Cat? Smokey's person went to the telephone. "Have you seen Smokey Cat?" he asked. But nobody had seen Smokey. Where did Smokey go? Smokey Cat went to the park. Smokey looked under all the bushes. He looked up all the trees. Smokey was having an adventure! Smokey jumped up on top of a picnic table. This was fun! He could see all around. Then Smokey saw a big, green can. "I wonder what's on top of the big green can," thought Smokey. Smokey Cat jumped way up high. He jumped to the top of the big, green can. Smokey wanted to see what was there. There was nothing at the top of the big, green can! Smokey Cat fell down inside. Smokey landed on a pile of garbage inside the garbage can. "I'll just jump back out," thought Smokey. But the garbage was soft and gooey. It was hard to jump very high. The sky was getting dark. Smokey was still inside the garbage can. This adventure wasn't as much fun as Smokey thought it would be. Smokey Cat called for help. "Meow," he said. But there was nobody in the park at night. Smokey Cat tried to jump out of the garbage can. He tried and tried. But he couldn't jump high enough. Finally, Smokey jumped _really_ high. Smokey's front paws grabbed onto the top of the garbage can. His back paws scraped on the side of the garbage can. Smokey was going to get out! Smokey hurried back to his house. He didn't want to have any more adventure. Smokey scratched at the door of his house. "Will somebody let me in?" he asked. Inside, Pepper Dog heard Smokey scratching. Pepper woke up his person. "Come to the door," said Pepper Dog. The person went to the door. He picked up Smokey Cat and smelled the garbage. "You need a bath," the person said. So Smokey Cat and his person took a shower. Smokey didn't mind taking a shower. He was back home! =====================================================