Lectures from April and May, 2008
West Side Moravian Church
Title and position
The Judges of the time of the Book of Judges:
functioned as war chiefs;
specifically, in the role of hero.
were understood to discern and represent
God's instructions to the tribes.
apparently were recognized charismatically
(not by lot, election, or heredity).
were chosen and functioned
within tribal structure.
could transcend tribal bounds, rarely.
may have retained civil jurisprudence.
Judges occupied a position which developed
from the arbiters which Jethro suggested to Moses
at the time of Pentecost.
The original motivation was to relieve
Moses of having to deal with all disputes
among the thousands of people. [→Exodus 18:13-26]
This original function would seem
to be that of an arbiter in civil disputes.
We might also see a parallel
with the American justice of the peace,
a judge with authority over minor infractions.
The office was continued at Moses' direction.
[→Deuteronomy 17:18-20]
The analogy with modern jurisprudence is inadequate.
Judges seem to be the only titled officials
among the Hebrews during the Exodus.
During the events following
the debauchery at Peor, the judges
were instructed to execute judgement,
not to render a judgement. [→Numbers 26:5]
Neither in Exodus nor in Judges
do these officials seem to intervene
with the authority of fathers
over their households.
The law being applied by Hebrew judges
was the Law of God.
the Torah,
to the extent that it was known
the voice of God
as discerned by the judge
Joshua is considered to be a judge.
Joshua inherited all of Moses' functions,
which would have included that of judge.
[→Deuteronomy 3:28, 34:9]
He was more clearly the war chief
than was Moses.
The textual support for giving Joshua
the title of judge is murky.
The position of judge later developed into separate roles.
The role of prophet:
First listed judge Othniel already
is possessed by God like a prophet.
Samuel was a transitional figure.
Judge, even riding circuit
(like James Duane Doty)
[→1 Samuel 7:6,10,15-17; 8:1]
[→1 Samuel 8:21-22; 9:9]
The mixed role of judge and warrior
is still seen in Elijah (and Elisha).
The role of King:
Gideon was offered kingship.
Saul was possessed like a judge.
[→1 Samuel 11:6]
David was king and dispensed justice.
The role of savior or deliverer:
later assigned to God
Other ancient societies may have had similar positions.
Phoenician cities had magistrates
called suffete (cognate);
in Carthage, were equivalent
to Rome's consul.
Rome had the praetor.
Combined judicial and military authority.
Title may derive from praeire,
"to go before"; that is, the leader.
Subject to Senate, perhaps
as judges were to God.
Similar conflation of roles in European history
European kings and nobles were warriors
responsible for insuring justice.
Noble courts model of judicial courts.
Military commanders held judicial powers
until very recently.
Historical Introduction [Chapter 1]
The south
Victories of Judah and Simeon [1-16]
Classical promise
[2; →Exodus 34:11;
→Deuteronomy 7:1]
Alliances were made.
between Judah
and Simeon
with Hodab
Treatment of a captured king
follows his own practice
and symbolized his loss
of power (but cruel for all that).
Caleb's daughter [10-15]
His daughter
was objectified
as a reward,
but only within
the clan/family.
The story still
shows the humanity
of the woman
in how she spoke
and was heard.
Reality check [17-21]
This is a repeat of the story,
probably an older version.
Towns generally were not
conquered by Israel.
[18, 21; ↓27ff,
Joseph [22-26]
That is, Ephraim and Mannasseh
Bethel (Luz) was destroyed
(but not taken).
Military/demographic details:
- scouts
- traitor
- migration north
The invasion in the north:
Israel failed to control towns.
[27, →1 Kings 9:15ff;
also 30, 31, 33; ↑21]
Failures to control lowlands
were due to military advantage.
[34; 35]
Towns later (and oddly) were
subjected to rural tribes;
this continued throughout
the period of judges.
[28, 33; 35;
↓Gideon, 6:3-4]
Native populations remained
and lived intermingled
with the invaders.
[29, 30, 33; ↓2:3,2:20]
Another result was geographical division
between north and south.
[29; JB: 'Jerusalem-Jaffa road']
Theological or Moral Introduction [Chapter 2]
This chapter is a later commemoration
of the times of the judges.
It attempts to resolve the dissonance
between the promise [→Joshua 24:11-13]
and the reality [↑chapter 1].
It draws meaning from significant events.
It helps to form a community identity
(here, intentionally national).
Community commemoration is an active
topic of social research today.
An angel comes to the people:
God visible as God's own messenger.
(There is no mention of a prophet here.)
[1; ↓Gideon, 6:21-24;
↓Manoah, 13:20-23]
The broken covenant is a key explanation.
[1-2; 11-15]
It meets a need for explanation or cause
(a backward view).
No specific violation is attested here.
[→Deuteronomy 7:1-5]
Peoples and religions remained in the land.
[3-4; 20-23]
This agrees with historical view
[↑chapter 1]
despite difference in outlook.
It meets a need to find purpose
in events that already occurred
(a forward view of the past, hindcasting).
Oppression (punishment)
Snare (testing)
Joshua was understood as a hero.
The classical sense of hero encompasses:
- moral leadership
- ethnic identity
- personal military exploits
As is typical for a hero,
Joshua is cited specifically
for loyalty and godliness.
- personally
- as leader [7; 10]
He died at 110. [9]
He lived and died in the highlands.
[9; ↑1:18,27]
The Early Judges [Chapter 3]
The Israelites endured 8 years of slavery.
Slavery in this context means to be
subjected to the king of Aram (or Edom?).
'Cushan the doubly wicked'
'Aram of the 2 rivers'
Perhaps the Haran
where Terah died
[→Genesis 11:26-32]
If so, then
possibly southeast
JB prefers Edom
South of Judah
in desert
If so, first of the
nomadic overlords
(compare ↓Gideon,
chapters 6-8]
The story seems to imply
some level of settlement,
probably farming
at this point.
The facts are explained theologically
as apostasy.
Baal and Astarte were worshipped.
Note the use of the plural,
emphasizing the use of idols.
There is no apparent symbolism in 8 years.
Othniel is only identified.
- Blood relationships are important.
- God's spirit is important.
- The rest of the story is unimportant.
There followed 40 years of rest.
- There is no story in quiet times.
The length of time is symbolic.
- a long time
- 2 generations born
- Othniel and peers die
18 years of slavery followed. [12-14]
King of Moab came from east of the Dead Sea.
There is no symbolism to the time,
except for being worse.
Salvation by treachery [15-26]
First true story of a judge.
Setting and background
- place: Jericho
geopolitical alliance:
Moab, Ammon, Amalek
appear to be
The subjugation
is defined by
annual tribute.
- Benjamin
- left-handed
- crafty
Ehud made his
own dagger.
Ehud made a virtue
of a personal
(or tribal)
His plan included
a delay to cover
his escape.
Battle [27-30]
Ehud calls out Ephraim
(not Benjamin).
Israel leverages the river
as a barrier.
With little description given,
the fighting must be unimportant
to the story of deliverance.
Moab's defeat is attributed
to Ehud and to Israel;
little credit to God.
80 years of rest followed. [30]
- There's no story in quiet times.
- This is double the previous time of rest.
The identity of Shamgur is weak.
[↓5:6, Deborah's song]
600 Philistines were killed with an ox-goad.
- A statement, but not a story.
Why Philistia at this time?
It may be out of place.
Parallels the Samson story.
[↓chapters 13-16]
Chapter 3 picks up again with Ehud's death.
This story may be out of place.
Some say, Shamgur was added only to make 12.
(Abimilech is counted as a Canaanite king.)
Deborah [Chapters 4-5]
Narrative version [chapter 4]
Historical setting [1-3]
Jabin [→Joshua 11] and Sisera
gain ascendence over Israel.
This subjection lasted.
20 years, or about 1 generation.
Deborah [4-10]
Deborah is not
identified by tribe and clan.
Her husband is named
(but not connected).
Her seat is in Ephraim.
Deborah's life held many roles,
much like us. [4-5]
- woman
- wife
- judge (judicial)
- prophet
- war leader [10]
She had a powerful personality.
- commands Barak
- commands multiple tribes
- speaks the word of God
- detailed battle plan
- marches with the army
Barak was a leader … [8-10]
from Naphtali (not Ephraim).
able to call out 10,000 warriors
from his and the neighboring tribe.
obedient to God through Deborah.
demanding of Deborah's services as prophet.
[↓verse 14]
Heber [11]: an intrusion with a literary function
- foreshadowing
- family=political setting [↑1:16]
- localization
Battle [12-16]
Sisera responds to the uprising
by calling out full force.
Deborah identifies the day
of God's favor.
Topographic considerations:
Barak marches downhill,
which is a tactical advantage.
Sisera depends on chariots,
which may be ineffective
in the hilly areas.
Contrasting methods of battle:
God fights with panic.
Barak fights with swords.
Sisera fights with himself.
[↓verses 17ff]
Jael [17-22]
Sisera heads for Jael, who …
- was near at hand. [↑11]
- should offer hospitality.
- should offer support.
Jael welcomes Sisera, but with deceit.
- 'Do not be afraid'
- Hides with a rug
- Provides refreshment
Jael decieves Sisera.
She incapacitates with a rug.
- physical mobility
- heat prostration
She lulls with milk.
appears to be
from request
Jael defies and murders Sisera.
Jael welcomes Barak.
Pursuit not followed
by the narrative.
Jael offers the body.
Jael expands the role of the nomad woman.
Jael takes on the role
of the warrior-hero.
She acts within the set role
of staying at the tent
and offering hospitality.
Jael's part complements
that of Deborah.
Aftermath [22-23]
- Theological: God humbles Canaan
- Geopolitical: Alteration in dominance
Musical version [chapter 5]
Poetic considerations
Apparently older than narrative.
May be nearly contemporaneous
with events.
Song of victory.
Content of the poem
Warriors fight and win,
subject to God's will. [2]
God is praised for the victory
using the metaphor of earthquake.
The reality of oppression
and perhaps the bandritry
that comes with instability
is evoked with few words. [6-8]
Historical apostrophe
puts focus on the protagonists.
These verses [14-18]
record the extend and limit
of national action.
God's intervention is expressed
as nature fighting with Israel.
Jael is the warrior hero here,
not Barak or even Deborah. [24-27]
The poignant portrayal
of Sisera's mother [28-30]
shows the author's poetic skill.
Quick change of scene
and tempo
creates attention.
contrast between hope
of the character
and reality known to reader
haunting evocation
of personal emotions
Gideon [Chapters 6-8]
Gideon is called by God. [chapter 6]
Setting [1-10]
Israel has settled on farms.
(This is not explicitly stated.)
The less settled nomads oppress
the farmers as Israel oppressed the towns.
Symbolic but shorter 7 years
A prophet interprets the times.
- standard explanation
- differentiation of function
Gideon sees an angel. [11-24]
- He threshes hiding in the winepress.
Greeting and ironic response
[like father like son, ↓32]
It is God who says, 'I send you myself'.
Gideon is concerned with his status.
This implies the change
toward urban sociality.
Still only compares
status within Manasseh.
God is not so concerned.
Gideon tests his call (first time).
- Requests a sign
The offering is equivalent
to hospitality for guests.
[→Abraham, Genesis 18]
Dismay follows proof.
[↓Manoah, 13:20-23]
Gideon makes a statement. [25-32]
Gideon is obedient
to God's instruction
but does the work in secret.
Destroying the altar is both
religious and political.
The fear of the oppressed
is illustrated by the people
searching out the resistance.
Joash answers with irony,
creates a nickname for his son.
War is declared. [33-35]
- The nomad army crosses the Jordan.
- Gideon calls out 1/3 of Israel.
Gideon tests his call (second time). [36-40]
- Gideon is uncertain: The fleece test
- Continuing doubt: The second fleece test
God's battle [chapter 7]
The most remarkable troop deployment
in the history of warfare.
'There are too many people.' [1-3]
- People might take credit.
- 22000 are afraid.
- 10000 are left.
There was good reason
for being afraid.
'There are still too many.' [4-7]
- 300 lap up water like dogs.
- This is an arbitrary criterion.
(?) Gideon kept equipment he would need.
[8; ↓16ff]
God fights with panic. [9-15]
God offers a sign
without being asked.
Gideon probably is afraid.
The description of the nomad army
gives good reason.
The dream of barley bread
shows the nomads to lack confidence.
Gideon immediately grasps
the significance for the battle.
Gideon fights in support of God. [15-22]
Battle begins at evening,
at the start of the day.
With only 300 men, there are
300 ram's horns and 300 dark torches.
Tactical timing: change of watch [19]
The surprise of light and sound
induces the panic that had been building.
Nomads battle with themselves. [22]
Israel fights also with swords. [23-25]
Full levy returns [↑6:35]
to join the winning hero.
Ephraim asked to hold fords.
Killing and insulting
This forms a transition from God's battle
to human warfare.
[↓chapter 8]
War [chapter 8]
- No longer God who fights, but only Gideon.
Gideon the leader defuses
internal discord. [1-3]
Gideon is not so successful
with external alliances. [4-9]
Towns want to side with a winner.
Belittling names: captains
'Victim' and 'Unprotected'.
Gideon offers threats
instead of showing leadership.
Gideon the vengeful
Succoth [13-16; ↑6]
Done with care
and premeditation;
this is cold blooded.
Use of desert thorns
echos the battle. [↑7]
Penuel is merely destroyed. [17; ↑8]
Nomad captains [18-21]
Gideon finds a justification
in blood vengeance.
He attempts to use his son
as the executioner.
Acting the king [22-29]
Gideon declines
an offer of kingship.
(The scope of rule is not
specified; presumably
over Shechem and Ophrah.
Gideon claims a share
of the captured wealth
acting the hero-king.
The king's share is made
into a shrine at Ophrah;
an 'ephod' but isolated
from the true worship.
[27; →Exodus 28]
Gideon lived in his own
house, perhaps in disctinction
to moving into Shechem.
Gideon's family [30-32]
- He has many (but unspecified) wives.
- They bear 70 fully legitimate sons.
Abimelech is treated separately
as a matter of foreshadowing.
(Israel descended from both wives
and slave woman.)
Rest from war
The peace lasted 40 years
(2 generations).
- Peace continues throughout the life of Gideon.
- This may not be a time of loyalty to God. [27]
Abimelech the king [Chapter 9]
- JB: the first episode to be formalized
Abimelech becomes king of Shechem. [1-6]
Probably half Canaanite,
based on his appeal to his mother's family.
Temple funds were used
to purchase government. [4; ↑8:27f]
Potential challengers eliminated
by murder, except Jotham. [5; ↑8:31]
His reign was accepted by the 'senate'
in a formal proclamation.
Jotham's challenge [7-21]
Jotham's fable [2-15]
He curses with internecine conflict. [16-21]
No active resistence.
Abimelech's rule fails [22-57]
Discontent [22-25]
City leaders lose their
loyalty to Abimelech.
Their reasons are not reported,
but God's support of Gideon
is claimed. [24]
The support for bandits flouts
the king's authority.
(JB: deprive of toll revenue)
Gaal's revolt [26-41]
Gaal opportunistically
offers to lead a rebellion.
Zebul orchestrates an ambush.
(Who is in control? [↓41])
Abimelech only pushes the fight
as far as the city gates;
Zebul controls the city itself.
Abimelech's repression destroys his kingdom.
Abimelech slaughters Shechem. [42-46]
Abimelech's atrocity at Migdal. [47-49]
Abimelech fails at Thebez. [49-57]
Jephthah [Chapters 10-12]
Setting [10:6-18]
Israel begins to assimilate again.
[6, 10, 13, 16]
This time, the Ammonites for 18 years. [7-8]
Locale is Transjordan ('land of the Ammonites')
plus the areas immediately to the east.
(This is the southern part of the settlement.)
God's frustration almost induces abandonment,
but parental concern resumes with repentence.
[11-14, 16]
Jephthah serves as judge-hero. [chapter 11]
Character development and relationships [1-11]
Mixed ethnicity
(compare Abimelech [↑9:1ff])
Jephthah's success is counter
to the theme of ethnic purity.
(Compare →Ruth.)
[→Genesis 21:10]
Cut off from family and property,
Jephthah becomes a banditto. [3]
The rejected half-brother
is sought out when trouble comes.
Jephthah is promised the judgeship
as inducement to be the war leader.
The outlaw as heroic leader
still lives in modern literature.
Jephthah attempts diplomacy. [12-28]
Diplomacy is new to these stories.
(? Abraham, Isaac ?)
The exchange of letters state
differing views of rights of possession.
Ammon feels dispossessed. [13]
Israel claims right
of conquest. [14-24]
God gave the land
to Israel, but
only after Sihon
musters against
the wanderers.
Jephthah argues
this claim is
not different
from Ammon's view.
There may be confusion
between the gods
of Ammon (Milcom)
and Moab (Chemosh).
Ammon's king is accused
of overreaching.
Jephthah argues Ammon
is in the wrong
for making war. [27]
(Semi-)Heroic leaderhip
Jephthah is taken over by the Spirit
and therefore is rightly a judge. [29]
Jephthah makes a deal God. [30-33]
Is this intended
to buy favor
or as honest devotion?
(One must examine the man.)
The indefiniteness
of the victim leaves
the choice to God.
Jephthah gives human
sacrifice a Hebrew cast
of expression calling
it a holocaust offering.
[31; see →Numbers 28]
Such offerings are forbidden.
[→Deuteronomy 12:31;
compare →Abraham,
Genesis 22]
Jephthah gains victory, which is
credited (vaguely) to God. [32]
Jephthah fulfills his vow. [34-40]
While extending the plot of the battle,
this is really a distinct story.
This story reads like a folk tale
against making rash vows.
The relationship between father
and daughter is the most humane
aspect of Jephthah's story. [34-35]
Not marrying (or having a child)
seems to be the greater tragedy.
[37, 40]
The significance of 2 months
wandering in the mountains
is not clear. [38, 39]
Civil war ensues. [chapter 12:1-7]
Mutual recriminations are voiced
between Ephraim and Gilead.
[1-4; contrast ↑11:12-28]
Segregation ensues, based on pronunciation.
Samson [Chapters 13-16]
The angel of Samson's annunciation appears. [chapter 13]
Israel was subjected to Philistines.
- towns in coastal region
- another double generation
Manoah is a man of Dan.
(We see later this is the part near Judah.
[↓chapter 14])
A birth is announced. [3-7]
An annunciation is a new feature.
The wife of Manoah is the lead character.
His wife's name is not important.
Her lack of children is important.
The angel elevates the anonymous woman.
God's message comes to the woman.
[also ↓9]
She serves as a prophet
by repeating the message to Manoah.
[also ↓23]
Manoah rises to his responsibilities. [8-21]
He looks farther ahead
and asks for more information.
God answers the husband
by coming not to him
but to his wife.
Manoah offers to be a good host.
The angel progressively reveals God.
burn offering,
not serve a meal
name is mystery
ascended in the flame
The people respond to God's visit.
Manoah's fear
His wife's reassurance,
serving again as a prophet
Samson is born. [24-25]
The wife named him Samson
(the woman continuing her leading role).
Samson is blessed, in unspecified ways.
He is taken over by God,
that is, called as a judge,
even while still underage.
[↑Othniel, 3:10]
He is located in the Camp of Dan (by Judah).
Samson reveals his power and his weaknesses.
[chapter 14]
He is a lusty man. [1ff, 17pp]
He has a family who defers to his wishes.
His concurrence in God's plans is hidden
under his selfish emotional outbursts. [5]
He consorts with the enemy, pun intended.
[2, 10, 17pp]
He is a berserker:
- against the lion. [5-6]
- against the Philistines. [19; compare 11]
He keeps his word, but not generously. [19]
(This is set in contrast to the Philistines.
[20; ↓15:1-2])
He is a trash talker. [14, 18]
This sequence foreshadows the rest of his career.
[↓chapters 14, 15]
Samson defies the Philistine overlords. [chapter 15]
The foxes
The incident is a result
of Samson's intermarriage. [1-3]
The plot sounds like
a practical joke. [4-5]
The response of the Philistines
is perhaps even more vindictive. [6]
Samson chooses to escalate
the affair yet another notch. [7]
The jawbone of an ass
The Philistines respond
to Samson's escalation,
but make no distinction
between Dan and Judah. [9]
Judah remains subservient
and seeks to turn Samson over. [10-13]
Samson exceeds his enemies' expectations,
takes them by surprise,
takes as his weapon what is available,
and kills 1000 men. [14-17]
Samson's triumphant strength comes
directly from God's Spirit. [14]
The 'spring of him who called'
is opened for the hero;
this apparently is taken to indicate
approval by God. [18-19]
Samson's ascendence lasted a full generation. [20]
(This would have ended the story of any earlier judge.
The fullness of Samson's strength and weakness are revealed.
[chapter 16]
Samson goes to a Philistine prostitute. [1-3]
What could he be thinking?
His flaws are deep seated.
Samson invited Gaza to ambush him,
but his impulsiveness and strength
takes them by surprise again.
There is no mention of God's
power in this incident.
Samson loves an informer. [4-21]
After 20 years you would think
Samson would have learned better.
Delilah is the archetype
of the modern female spy villian.
Samson's love is carnal
and he has no compunction
about lying to, as well as with,
this Philistine spy.
His lies are:
tie him with
7 new bowstrings
tie him with
new ropes
weave his hair
in the loom
Samson tells his secret.
Samson is blind to the obvious:
his woman is a spy.
The story goes the same way
as when he was young.
The magic is linked
to the original annunciation
and (hence) to Samson's
obedience to God.
[20; ↑13:5,7]
The Philistines take him. [21]
Blinding is both
and disempowering.
Imprisonment and chains
both punish Samson
and protect the Philistines.
The prison mill
both gives benefit
to the captors
and keeps Samson worn out.
'May I die with the Philistines.' [22-31]
The Philistines praise Dagon
believing they were handed
a great victory.
(Quite reasonably, too.)
Their gloating became their downfall.
They bring him out of prison
because they are overconfident.
Had they been more humble,
would Samson have this chance?
Had they not been gloating,
would so many have been present,
would so many have died?
Samson is an opportunist to the end.
He uses they boy,
the location,
and the temple construction
as he find them.
Contrast this with
God's plans with Gideon
[↑chapter 7].
Contrast this with
modern fantasy and spy stories.
Samson gains a last victory.
He uses his gifts:
strength and wit.
He places his action
in the context of God's lordship.
He continues to see power
only in the use of force.
Samson's real claim to be
a heroic leader
rests mainly on this story.
His family remains loyal to him.
(Note that he now has brothers,
or is the word used broadly?)
The story ends a second time
with the length of his leadership.
Additional Moral History
2 stories which are additions to the original text.
They do not follow the moral pattern
of chapters 3-16.
They do not have hero-leaders.
They are substantial stories
but perhaps not long enough to have
their own separate scrolls.
Micah's idols [Chapters 17-18]
Benjamin's Crime [Chapters 19-21]