A Discussion of the Ten Commandments [Felicity, Miles, and Carter are discussing the Ten Commandments] FELICITY: Pointing to the Ten Commandments seems to be a favorite passtime for Christians. But Jesus hardly mentions them. So why do his followers talk about them so much? MILES: Every society is looking for order. The Ten Commandments are a simple way to define an orderly society. Jesus preferred to say, "Love your neighbor." Love may be more fundamental, but "do not steal" is easier to enforce. F: Talking about enforcement seems so negative! Don't the commandments point us toward building happiness for all? M: Enforcement may sound negative but it is really important. People do bad things. Maybe some people are bad people but even good people can get lost in bad ways of thinking. Enforcing rules sets a boundary for how people behave. CARTER: Rewards are the key. People act in the way they do mostly to get something of value in return. The Ten Commandments offer value for everybody. Some of that is obvious: "Do not steal" means you give up walking off with my iPhone X but you get protection for your classic 1955 Cadillac. A command like "Honor your father and your mother" may not have an obvious reward, so the Ten Commandments spells out the reward: to "live a long time". In other words, if you take care of old people your society will survive to take care of you. F: Can the Ten Commandments push us in a positive direction, Carter? Your emphasis on rewards seems just as negative as Miles' focus on enforcement. I think God wrote these commandments for our happiness. C: All I'm saying is that people need a reward to make the right choices. M: "Right" choices? You're saying we make all our decisions based on cost and profit. But profit won't lead to the right choices unless society is built the right way. F: Do you think an orderly society always makes the right choices, Miles? M: It has to be the right kind of order. That's why Carter's rewards bother me. Isn't that trying to build society on people's worst traits? C: No, what I'm saying is that everything God made can be harnessed for good. Seeking rewards is no more evil than avoiding punishments. In the Ten Commandments God uses what human beings are like to help humans be better. F: All that you guys have said makes sense. But what is the good that the Ten Commandments is pushing us toward? Is it only an orderly society? Or do the Ten Commandments lead us to greater happiness? M: Let's say "holiness" instead of "happiness". Somewhere in Leviticus there is a command that says that we should be holy because God is holy. The Ten Commandments encourage us to be more like God. September 9, 2019